To The President of The United States
One bright sunny day on the 11th of September
into our lives a great terror would enter
Our planes would be hijacked in the early morning hours
and then be flown into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers
Such a terrible sight I thought I'd never live to see
but there it was being broadcast on my home tv
There was smoke and fire and people were crying
we looked on in horror cause we knew many were dying
Then into it all ran so many brave men
Port Authority, the NYPD and New York's Firemen
They gave us hope when they came to the rescue
but by the end of that day many of them would be dead too
The Twin Towers fell in two horrible crashes
burying them all in the rubble and ashes
It was almost too much as the scene went on
when another hijacked plane struck the Pentagon
Yet another hijacking crashed into a field
when several heroic passangers, fought and refused to yield
I couldn't believe it the United States was under attack
I wondered how many more planes did these terrorists hijack
So many died in those planes and in the towers
because of the acts, of some of the most despicable cowards
There's one thing on which these bloody terrorists can depend
We have vowed to stamp out terrorism, and we'll fight it to the end
So if you institute the draft and you're calling our sons
take me too I'll bring my own guns
It don't matter to me how long my duty hitch is
I'll do whatever it takes to rid the world, of those cowardly sons of bitches
It may take our lives if that's how it must be
and I'll readily give mine so my country can live free
God Bless America