So it begins again. The season is here. At last.
Reports from Ma.... are coming in fast and painful. The assassin Jeff Sousa fell from his stand, how
& why ????? reports are that he's broken both legs or one and an ankle. This is a week after taking a 8 pt buck
in his back yard. I wish you a speedy recovery Bud, I do know how that feels ! Shots have been taken by the mintman
along with plenty of sightings by several other friends. Keep at it guys and gals. Brother Bob Tirrell whacked a real
nice 11 pointer, pictured below with the shotgun. Uncle Joe, 75 years young took a 125 lb Doe with the shotgun also,
waiting for that picture.
Reports from Maine.....a DEER has been shot ! To think that all this time I thought there were no deer in
that state, cousin Brian shot one this past weekend with the aid of his brother Leo. A second Deer was also taken a
few weeks later, rag horn buck, way to go Leo.
Reports from Vt. ......cousin Hank shot two doe durning his trip to the green mountian state. And the
group is headed back for rifle season this coming weekend. Good luck guys and fill me in upon your return. Ray
shot the big buck pictured below, a nice big 200 pounder, taken with the rifle. The season is coming along nicely.
Reports from Pa. ......the brothers Bob filled thier tags again this season with brother Tirrell. tagging
a nice 8 pt. and brother Mouth taking home a fat doe. Way to go guys. Got the picture below, thanks guys.
Reports from Kansas .....Hot Rod is out there now...I'm waiting. Reports are in, plenty of deer, but no
shots were taken by Rod. Plans are already being made for a return trip. I'm sure Rod will tag a big one in Kansas
next trip.
Reports from Missouri .... Kevin lost a doe to the coyotoes. I hate when that happens. better
luck with the next one buddy.